I've been going back to the gym for just over two months now. The goal is to put on 1.5 stone (21 pounds) of muscle mass. It's achievable despite my natural ectomorphic physique, but will take lot of work.
So far I have been going to the gym 3 times a week and over two months put on 5 pounds. I'm happy with that. Although have actually lost 1 pound over the last two weeks.
Last year I was trying to do the same thing - bulking up and put on 10 pounds in two months, although was attending the gym an extra 1-2 times a week.
I feel I am pushing myself pretty well and the fact I'm always obtaining sore muscle groups after workouts shows this. My routine is pretty good, my lifting form isn't bad and I know to mix things up to stimulate new growth etc. I'm stretching and resting sufficiently between sets and drinking water throughout.
I make sure to start the day with breakfast - cereal, a protein supplement, a small carb supplement and 4-5g of Creatine. Sometimes I get a bannana, sandwich or burger in before my session, which seems to give me a little more energy.
I make sure to have a protein supplement straight after my workout within 15 minutes of finishing.
I'm conscious of not going too made with fat and sugar intake, although feel happy to eat take aways most days, knowing I need to calories.
I'm also conscious of needing to up my protein intake, which was between 100g-180g per day last time I recorded it for a week.
Calorie intake was 2500-3000 kcal per day last time I recorded it for a week. Might be averaging a little less at the moment?
I take Omega 3 and vitamin supplements in addition.
I'm working hard with my workouts! Pushing myself hard and noticing my strength is increasing back up to the level I was at last year. My body looks little better than a did a few month prior, although it's not majorly noticeable as yet.
Working out is tough- It takes a lot out of me, is making my feel tired a lot and at times quite stressful. It requires a lot of consideration towards work out times, rest days, diet plan and eating times.
I feel ok to continue pretty much what I'm doing for months to come. I've got a gym membership to pay until May 2013! Although would find it VERY difficult to maintain if I had a full time job and other commitments to deal with as well.
Hopefully I will put on AT LEAST another 5 pounds by September and get up to 13 stone, although with more effort (if possible to maintain) I feel I could reach my 13.5 stone goal by then! After which, a session or two per week will do me just to maintain my physique.
I might consider a more strict bulking and cutting approach, but will see how it goes.
I could improve it by:
Doing one-two 1 hour cardio sessions in between. I go for walks and play table tennis which probably counts towards one session, but they don't get my heart pounding and skin sweating like a rowing or cross training machine would. This wouldn't help put on the pounds, but might melt some fat and make me look more toned.
Increase my protein uptake to a 150g minimum and 210g maximum, rather than the current 100g min and 180g max. So buy and eat more chicken, fish etc.
Increase my calorie intake to a consistent 2750 kcal minimum. And increase the carb intake pre-workout for energy and post workout for recovery.
Mix up my sets, reps and speed more. So less 3 sets of 10 reps and try 4x8 or 5x5, super slow decent speeds and power burst reps.
Do 3-4 sets of push ups, dips, lunges or small isolated weights like wrist curls, lateral raises at home in-between work out days.
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