Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Working towards happiness

"We need to always be working towards something in order to feel useful and have a sense of purpose."

I read this quote today on another blog. It's true and most of us know it. I know it, yet that doesn't stop me from getting stuck or sometimes I forget what it is I actually want!

Sometimes I check out Maslow's hierarchy of needs  to remind myself what humans need most and what my priorities should be. It would seem I need to work towards acquiring:

  1. Employment / Money
  2. Love and Sexual intimacy
  3. Self Esteem / Confidence
I never know if I should be chasing the Employment which will result in self esteem through sense of achievement or if I should be chasing Self Esteem so that I am able to function within Employment? I suppose most people get their self esteem without even thinking about it- they do what is expected of themselves: finish school, then go to work, then find a partner, then settle down and so on. Through this process self esteem usually finds them, rather than them needing to find it.

I guess then, employment, a career and money should be my top priorities for now. As mentioned in my previous post, I have been trying with this one. I suppose now that I've identified nailing the whole work/ money thing as being most important I should focus most on that.

I will also continue to keep my other goals and activities ticking along in the background. I'll attempt to carry on with 3 weekly workouts, keeping an eye out for potential girlfriends (I have a date tomorrow in fact), maintaining a small daily blog (separate from this one) and attempt to get some enjoyment from the occasional game, cinema trip, friend meet up, tv show, internet browsing session.

Until I have money or can move out on my own, there's no point expecting anything new or fun trips out and doing new things every other day.

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