Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Sleep and Waking Routines

A few things I'd like to try over the next few weeks:

Before I go to sleep at night, make time for positive self talk or to identify the little good things:
The fact it is quiet and I dont live in a noisy neighbourhood, it's warm and comfortable, I have a big bed all to myself, I get to watch a little bit of TV while in bed without worrying about disturbing anyone- being single has its advantages for sure :D
I know it sounds kinda small and pointless, and I will no doubt have a hard time neglecting my negative thoughts, but I actually did this a few days ago and remember waking up the next day feeling just a little bit brighter, so worth doing! 

When I wake up in the mornings listen to positive music or watch a few minutes of an upbeat film... or any film to stop me from lying in bed dwelling while I’m waking up and getting up.

I really need to get out of my current habit of resisting waking up because I feel bad about my life compared to when I’m in bed, sleepy and half-conscious.

I’d love to get to a stage where I get up in the morning and look forward to the day and all the things I’m going to be doing and experiencing. That is a big goal of mine.

This will involve setting aside an extra few minutes at the start and end of the day and I will need to cue up some decent material to listen to and add to my mobile phone alarm, but if it at least makes me feel a little bit happier or makes sleeping and waking times a little easier, then it's more than worth it trialling. 

And if all else fails, there's always the option to knock one out to relieve a little stress Lol

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