Saturday, 17 December 2011

SLOAN/ Global 5 / Big 5 - RLOEI

Big Five Test Results:

Extroversion                 ||||||        26%
Orderliness                   |||||||||||||||| 68%
Emotional Stability        ||||||        22%
Accommodation            ||||||        24%
Inquisitiveness              |||||||||||||||| 62%

The Big Five is currently the most accepted personality model in the scientific community. The Big Five emerged from the work of multiple independent scientists/researchers starting in the 1950s who using different techniques obtained similar results. Those results were that there are five distinct personality traits/dimensions. Here are your results on each dimension:

Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Accommodation results were low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.

Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Your Global5/SLOAN type is RLOEI
Your Primary type is Limbic

Global 5: sloan RLOEI; sloan+ R|L|OEi; primary Limbic; R(74%)L(78%)O(68%)E(76%)I(62%)

“withdrawn, loner, moody, dislikes crowds, avoidant, not big on fun, socially unskilled, not that interested in others, overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings frequently, depressed, requires lots of time alone to recharge, socially awkward, hard to get to know, feels defective, averse to change, low self confidence, dislikes small talk, dislikes touchy feely types, private, not prone to complimenting others, driven by own personal gain, pessimistic, self absorbed, indifferent to the feelings of others, does not easily forgive, inflexible, skeptical, embarrassed easily, tense, lower energy level, attracted to things associated with sadness, very suspicious of others, does not believe in human goodness, interested in intellectual pursuits, does not put the welfare of others ahead of self, lonely, not known for generosity, unadventurous, doubting, quick to judge others, discontent, hard to understand, wounded at the core, believes in a logical answer for everything, worrying, uncooperative, agnostic/atheist tendencies, has anxiety, not physically affectionate with most people, feels second place is not good enough, frustrated when people don't live up to expectations - From”

Great! I sound like a barrel of fun!
Mind you all the other descriptions weren’t particularly positive. But like always, the positive extroverts came out top. Lucky SOBs!

Neuroticism and it's effects on my life:

So I compared my results with those on the INTJ forum and while we all generally came out similar, there was one variable which fluctuated significantly- Emotional Stability. A reason I often find I can’t always relate to other INTJs, as well as being a little feely and quite perceiving is down to my negativity, neuroticism and anxiety!

It is, as I read, “the hidden injury”. I feel really upset when I think of just what I could have achieved if I was not plagued by a near constant feeling of worry. All these years of torture via constant unhappiness would have been gone. I would have been able to focus my time on productive things and have a social life rather than being put off by worries and fears. Who knows where I’d be with my life now? And I feel frustrated that I go through life without anyone knowing I have to live with a totally contaminated set of thoughts to most people, and even if they did know I’d get no sympathy or allowances. Perhaps that is why I can be so hard on other people- I have to live with depressive thoughts in my head EVERY DAY, so fuck you for wanting allowances for feeling under the weather, for breaking your arm, or for losing your leg!

How do I fix this? That is my mission.

Hearing Psychologists say their bit doesn’t help either!:

Daniel Nettle
High neuroticism scorers will always be vulnerable to negative thoughts and feelings. That they cannot change. However, there are techniques in which they can train themselves that seem to have quite a marked effect on how they deal with this vulnerability, which can make a great deal of difference to their being in the world

Timothy Pychyl:
While neurotics can learn to act out of character they can’t change their personalities.

That last statement sounds so true to me right now~ I’m went on a date today, acted relaxed, in control, assertive and pretty positive. Yet I felt none of those things on the inside. I told my date I don’t lie and this is me! It’s not. What I showed her was 25% me and 75% facade fabricated to not look like a complete loser, which is what I secretly am by most of society’s standards.

In some ways I’m not THAT bad- if I can go out and be 25% of the person I want to be, and at least I’m not in a psych hospital, or dead. When I’m engaged in something like a computer game or anime series I feel happy! It’s only after these things end that I have chance to reflect and worry that I’ve wasted my time or whatnot. But I don’t think I give myself enough credit. I have been SERIOUSLY ILL for a huge part of my life and have still soldiered on and even now I frantically search for an answer to my woes. I expect myself to not only be able to function and behave like normal people, but I expect to be considered better than most people, when perhaps I should be in a pysch hospital being looked after!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Enneagram Test Results

In addition to the MBTI I've been spending a lot of time recently trying to understand myself and personality. I took an Enneagram of Personality test which revealed the following stats:
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 71%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||| 34%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 67%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||| 77%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||| 24%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 24%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||| 45%

Type     score   type | behaviour | motivation
5          54        I must be knowledgeable and independent to be happy.
6           51        I must be secure and safe to be happy.
1           50        I must be perfect and good to be happy.
4           47        I must be unique/different to be happy.
3           44        I must be impressive and attractive to be happy.
9           32        I must maintian a peaceful and easygoing environment to be happy.
2          24        I must be helpful and caring to be happy.
7           17        I must be fun and entertained to be happy.
8          17        I must be strong and in control to be happy.

My three instincts in order are:

1.     Self-Preservation (SP) – The instinct to secure basic resources and meet the needs of material and physical survival.
2.     Social (SO) – The instinct to create lasting personal connections and secure one’s place in relationship to others.
3.     Sexual (SX) – The instinct to seek intense, stimulating intimate connections, sexual and otherwise.

Therefor: I am a 5 with a heavy 6 ‘wing’ and an SP/SO/SX Instinctual Stack.

Although on another test I was a 5 with a heavy 4 ‘wing’ (or 4 with a heavy 5 'wing'). See below results. Like most personality tests, they're never perfect.

Score   Type

4          Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type.
1          Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type.
4          Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type.
7          Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type.
7          Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type.
5          Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type.
4          Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type.
0          Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type.
4          Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type.

So I'm "The thinking artist!" Lol. I’d agree with that! Apparently I need to balance out myself with more Type 8 traits and the fact I scored 0 for that type could explain my depression? If I was more assertive, allow myself to enjoy life, support those close to me, be a leader then perhaps I would be happier?

The test seems to allow more diversity than the MBTI and touches on facets like sexual instinct. One point about personality tests: Its very difficult to answer these kinda tests truthfully. Most people don't know themselves well enough or put what they think they should rather than what is true. I've sat down with family who who answer questions completely differently to how the rest of us know them to be.

Getting a set of questions which does not discriminate or make them feel bad for answering is key. Although I'm an INTJ, I don't like admitting I have preferences towards things which society deems as negative, like being too nerdy. Not a problem is you are confident in your skin, but not all of us are and don't like to admit the truth about themselves.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

MBTI - Personality Test says I'm an INTJ

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator suggests I am an INTJ (Or, as I prefer and later discovered, an INtj with the T and J parts not being as distinct)

INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging and basically describes how I think and view the world. So in other words, I get my energies more from being alone than with people, I am analytical and observational rather than instinctual, I value rational thought more than feelings, I make judgements more than keeping my opinions open. That doesn't paint the full picture, but you get the idea! Some might describe INJTs and "cold geniuses" opposed to "bubbly drama queen", which you might get from, say, an ESFJ.

My MBTI personality type has advantages, but also disadvantages. I'm hoping that by having them highlighted I will be able to better understand myself and other people, and thus make my life a little easier.

Descriptions about INTJs on the net sum me up pretty well and in a way it saddens me that I apparently am not capable of thinking outwardly or emotionally like most people. I am self obsessed by definition and in reality it’s true! It’s not that I am like that because I am bad and choose to be, but I am like that because it’s the core personality I was (perhaps) born with. There’s little I can do about it despite my efforts and good intentions.

I wonder about all the automatic responses I have to things and the way I go about communicating...
For example, it is true that many men have difficulties with the ladies, but the fact that I so far have felt totally incapable of flirting must be putting me at a big added disadvantage! For some girls, flirting and banter is imperative, and if am a naturally bad ‘socializer’, I will be disregarded way before I’ve even been given the opportunity to show my strengths. It sucks.

In fact last year I saw my MBTI result as a large reason why I have been depressed. It was only after discovering the INTJ Forum that I realized not all INTJs are depressed, and not all are alike in many other ways. My INTJ-ness is certainly a part of my problem but I've concluded it's only a problem when combined with a neurotic trait- something which the Global 5/ Big 5/ SLOAN personality indicator covers. I'll go into more detail about that later :)